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Testimonials 2008

01-16 M. G. from USA

Tourist nationality: USA

Tour itinerary: 8 days Kunming / Dali / Lijiang

Tour Reviews:



Thank you for your nice email and Thank You,however it is I who should send a big THANK YOU to you!!!! You have been terrific and you have been

the best guide and tour leader I have ever had. You were sooooo !!!!!!! patient with all these crazy women, your English was terrific and could be SO easily understood by all of us. You took such good care of all the 1ittle problems; really it was a great pleasure and privilege to travel with you. Especially when you took extra time and the trouble to follow Abigail and myself to Guizhou!!!! I really enjoyed the last part of the trip so much because I think we were so fortunate to travel to that part of the country that is not yet overrun with American tourists and we saw so many interesting things in such a short time!!!!! It was very nice and I am very glad I signed up for it. Wilson was a good guide and I am sure we could have managed but I think Abi would have driven him nuts, but he too was very patient. 

I BUY and I had a good flight home to Kunming where it befell to poor Dean to put up with us for another couple hours……poor guy…!!! He had to help A. pack and repack and repack again….the people behind the desk at the Bank Hotel could not believe their eyes. We had the whole lobby covered in bags and suitcases, etc. She had about 7 bags and boxes and finally Dean and she managed to stuff it in 5 enormous bags which were hard o lift!!!!! In the airport they gave here hard time about to nany bags and Dean as very nice and patient, she grudgingly agreed to aid about $200 for the overweight. I think she got a good deal because it altogether weighed a ton!!!!He must have been the happiest guy seeing these two tourist leave. He had taken us to see the temple and we went through the bird and flower market…I Buy bought more!!! She bought some SEASHELLS!!! Then…on the way to the airport we stopped by some Silk factory…we did not need anything and I buy was not going to buy anything more…however, we left there with another 6 kilos…she bought a silk comforter!!! Yet another carry-on Item!!! Amazingly we made it onto the flight okay, we had good seats up front because she had insisted upon that. In Hong Kong we got lucky again and were able o board with all the “shit”. However, I should not say anything because I was traveling with al Hat ad a Birdcage and a painting!!! I was lucky and had an empty seat next to me and plenty of space overhead for all the stuff. It was an unbelievable flight and I slept the whole way home from Hong Kong. Today I finally recuperated from unpacking and jetlag.

I Thank you once again and I sure hope I will be able to send more people you way!!! I wish you all the best in your future business endeavors!!! For the fun I have transmitted some pictures to you. All 1436 of my pictures came out great and I have some beauties!!!

All the Best

M. G. 

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